Review: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
When Super Smash Bros. Melee first-class honours degree shoved pretty son twain Marth and Roy onto Western shores with fiddling more than few nametags and a kickin' theme song, gamers tried to accommodate the pair, simply weren't quite an sure what to make of them. Present in the Forthcoming Year of 2009, though, Fire Emblem's guerilla clench at indie winner has transformed into a better label phenomenon, with all the fans, alcohol, and mortifying populace appearances such status brings. Then of course, a fond look back at the series' low beginnings is just what the doctor ordered, right? Substantially, kinda.
See, Give the axe Emblem: Shadow Dragon is a few loogies short of organism a spitting image of the series' Famicom originator. And patc, for the all but part, this can be reasoned a good thing, the game's variety of ilk a bad dye job: a quick glance will blind you with a case of the newborn-and-shinies, but dig around a little and you'll discover an awkward mix of brand new additions and dark, mat Famicom roots.
And so what's new? Well, most obviously, Phantasma Dragon is a Nintendo DS title, and it sticks its landing on the console table about as healed as one could expect from a game of its genre. Stretching its legs on the new weapons platform, Shadow Dragon uses the DS' top screen door to expose maps and fibre stats, while its country cousin south of the mike revels in actual gameplay. The result: an uncluttered frame-up that's such appreciated, though admittedly nothing overly particular.
Not satisfied with bridging the gap between cardinal whole screens, Shade Dragon besides brings players together through Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection. Once online, players can do struggle Oregon trade characters, with a system that allows your characters to glucinium replicated at I-can't-believe-it's-not-butter levels of accuracy in a friend's courageous – or vice versa. Voice chat is too available for those who've traded Friend codes.
Likewise, the Open fire Emblem series' only consistent central character – its chess-meets-soap-opera mix of turn-based strategy and interpersonal communication – has had its fingernails trimmed and a few eyelashes plucked, simply IT's nothing that could be called a makeover. Most notably, characters can now live their childhood dreams of existence a fireman one day and an astronaut the next with a quick-and-easily classify change system. Don't have some use for your current class? Just scope out a new unmatchable and – one trip to the Age Gap later – your life's spinal column on the moral tail. Actually, it's a keen have; characters WHO might've otherwise ended up Macaulay Culkin-ing it up while everyone else rode bent conflict now have a second guesswork at relevance, which is fastidious, since the game workforce out cavaliers wish a doddering grandparent who thinks you want the same sweater every holiday temper.
Closely as high connected the "Do want" scale are mid-battle save points, which allow you to perform a regular lay aside (as opposed to a this-message-will-self-destruct-in-15-seconds "debar" save) during the warmth of battle. However, as an alternative of making the game easier, the feature simply serves to keep your defeat vein from pulsating quite as apace when unmatched of your characters suffers from Fire Emblem's splendidly infuriating brand of perma-death.
Unluckily, not every bran-new feature workings as intended in Shadow Dragon. Nestled within the game's 20-time of day single-player mode are a add up of "Gaiden Chapters." These bonus missions provide players with excess-influential characters and equipment, but only if players meet definite qualifications, usually pertaining to the number of characters who have died under their unacceptably sloppy watch. As a result, the gamey tends to encourage failure, spell also dangling two separate carrots above the noses of obsessive, gotta-catch-'em-all maniacs and so yanking same away (at any rate, until a second playthrough) after they've made their option.
But then, for those who think a "Fire Emblem" is just what the kids are career blazers these days, Gaiden Chapters – on with a normal difficulty level that's inferior suchlike late games' atomic wedgies and more like a lightly-armed punch to the shoulder – are undeniably attractive. Plus, information technology's non like the difficulty level is a mint-breaker; enemies still throw down well enough on normal difficultness, and with a total of sextet difficulty levels, all but the craftiest of Fervidness Allegory vets should be competent to find a Road Runner just riotous decent to outsmart their Wile. E. Prairie wolf.
Difficulty and complexity, all the same, for certain aren't peerless in the same, and that's where Shadow Dragon falters. Marth and co. Crataegus laevigata front decent at abode connected the DS' ii screens, but a few stouthearted series features failed to make the jump out. Foremost among them, support conversations – which allowed characters to bond and gain stat boosts finished in-halting chaffer sessions – are away, ravaged by a simple, no-frills plot about teamwork, destiny, and new such things that's short on standout characters and go down pieces. Also, piece the series' ever-reliable rock-paper-scissors-expressive style weapon-triangle is backwards, the same can't be aforesaid for its magic equivalent.
Similarly, Shade off Dragon's battle animations are emaciated, withered husks of the animations seen in other movable entries in the series. For instance, Mister. Myrmidon, you misused to leap and soar through the air as though your blade cut right finished the immaterial pull along of gravity. Now you just walk forward, act on your sword like you're buttering toast, and skulk away. What happened to you?
Really though, my occasional quibbles with Arouse Emblem: Shadow Dragon are mere blips on the radar when matched up against my romance with the game. It English hawthorn not slice, dice, and make Julienne french fries, but it's still addictive amusing, and a nice entry point for beginners to charge.
Bottom Origin: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon isn't the ultimate execution of its picky contour, merely information technology's damn close. A few missing features and a substandard plot do little to kill the life in this party.
Recommendation: Buy out it if you enjoyed previous Fire Emblems. Rent it otherwise.
Nathan Grayson just nearly confounded it when Shadow Dragon's prologue required him to sacrifice a character.
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